At the Table
In Conversation with Filmmakers
Welcoming Vincent
Welcoming Lorraine
Welcoming Dana
Season 2 of Taste the Nation with Padma Lakshmi Wins Awards!
Hope and Restoration: Saving the Whitebark Pine
Rudy! A Documusical Premieres at Tribeca
Make People Better
The documentary thriller MAKE PEOPLE BETTER reveals the unknown story behind this historic scientific event from the perspectives of those who were there including a whistleblower’s testimony, never-before-seen interviews with He Jiankui, and the depiction of a world being awakened to a future where rival governments and corporations compete to make designer babies the new normal.
IWFF Best Short Winner: Deveaux Bank: Reflections of a Cultural Ornithologist
Paulie Go! Sells Out on Premiere Night
Paulie Go! Sells out on opening premiere night.
Welcoming Lorenzo
Welcoming Lorenzo Colugnati as our newest Editor at Blue Table Post through press articles and is portfolio!
Premiere of Student Athlete
Premiere of We Will Rise at The White House
Behind the Creative Process of “We Will Rise”
Writing sessions for We Will Rise, a CNN Films documentary with Meryl Streep, Michelle Obama and Freida Pinto.
Color Grading for Jackson
Jackson is an important documentary about the only remaining abortion clinic in Mississippi.